Pictures submitted to the site
The vast majority of the photography used on this website comes from donations by talented photographers. We are pleased to accept imagery that meets the technical requirements and as space is available. We do not pay for photography, and we do not charge to post player page images.
General Questions
Q: Do you accept photographs from the public?
A: We certainly do, with appreciation, but there are some requirements. There are two kinds of images. The first type is for
stories (typically game day action shots) and the second type is an image used on a “Player Page”.
Q: Will all pictures be published?
A: Probably not. In fact, the decision to use images will be based on a number of factors which can include available space and
the quality of the images.
Q: Can I send in picture I found on another web site?
A: You must have ownership of the images and/or the rights for publication which we will assume you grant to us. For example, if you have a professional photographer take pictures of a player, you must get the photographer to grant to you and to us, the rights to use them on the website.
Picture for Stories
With the advent of low-cost digital photography equipment, it is possible to obtain images that in the past could only be achieved by professionals. We are looking for images that show close-up action and meet the following:
Images should be in JPG or PNG format with at least 1200 pixels in width at 72dpi.
The images are needed the day of the game and should be sent to We are up late, but we need them the same day.
The subject line in email sending the image(s) should include the home and away team and date of contest and the content area should state the name of the photographer. Photo credits may be added to the photograph after it is fitted to the story. Not all images will have photo credits, some will be tagged as “submitted”.
Pictures for Player Pages
All Varsity level players on the roster have an individual “Player Page” on BLaxeight.NET where statistical data and athletic honors are
gathered. In one corner of the page is a space for an image. Players, official photographers, or parents can submit an image for that page if
they meet the specifications below. We want the images on these pages to fit a particular style and so, for example, we will not accept yearbook
style pictures or “selfie” type images.
Images must fit a space of 200 pixels wide and 275 pixels in height at 72dpi.
Images should have an “athletic look” with the player in uniform and either as a portrait or from an action shot.
They should be sent to Make sure to identify the player and team.
Although no fees are exchanged, the Nassau County Lacrosse Coaches Association is pleased to accept donations from fans of the website.
For more information and to donate,please contact:
Jim Kaspar