Nassau County Players
BLaxEight Player Database
The "Player Profile" area contains individual pages for each of the Nassau County lacrosse players in the database. Information includes the player's team, class, scorebook data, sectional awards won and a comment area, where team awards, club team membership and other lacrosse information may be found.
Understanding that information is constantly changing we are happy to have Coaches, parents and players request updates or changes.
Please feel free to send us corrections and additions, but understand the following:

- The request for a change / update is for a specific player in the database. If you want to change information about a player, first go to his player page. Information sent is "keyed" to the individual player.
- "Scorebook Data" is generated throughout the year from game reports. If you want us to change game data, you must talk to your Head Coach who must submit that change to us.
- County Awards and Honors are submitted by the league chairmen, local newspapers, or NCLCA members.
- The "Comment" section can be used for team awards (ie: MVP, captain, most improved). It can also be used for out of school lacrosse participation (ie: camps, club team 2020-2022). Please DO NOT use the comment section for non-lacrosse activities or honors (ie: no SAT scores or Academic honors).
- We may check with your Head Coach for verification of some information.
- We will accept requests from coaches, parents, or the player himself. We will not accept requests from friends or fans.
- You must give us your real name email address.