Year | Grade | Pos | G | A | Pts | Sht | Gbs | Tks |
There is no offensive data for Nick Noga |
BLaxEight started collecting full records for the scorebook data in 2023. Comments and additional infomation can be provided by players, their parents or their coaches.
For information on submitting a player photo, click here. To submit additional player information, click here.
CLASS: | A |
STUDENTS: | 1273 |
MAIN FIELD: | Whitney Field - The Pit |
RECORD: | 0-0 - until spring |
CONFERENCE: | 0-0 - until Spring |
Glenn Lavey
Head Coach at Port Washington since 2025
Win/Loss at Port Washington:
Assistants: Matt Carroll - Jaron Batts - Chris Schultz
Scoring: This Spring
Assists: This Spring
Points: This spring